
Elections in the City of New London are held every even-numbered year and are conducted at City Hall, 10 Ash St. S.E. 
The Presidential Primary Election will be held on March 5, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
The Primary Elections will be held on August 13, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
The General Elections are November 5, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.



 How do I register to vote?

New residents in the City as well as people who have relocated within the City are encouraged to pre-register to vote. 

Voter Eligibility
To register, you must be:

  • A U.S. citizen
  • At least 18 years old on Election Day
  • A resident of Minnesota for 20 days
  • Finished with all parts of any felony sentence
  • You can vote while under guardianship unless a judge specifically has revoked your right to vote.
  • You cannot vote if a court has ruled that you are legally incompetent.

See if you are registered to vote in Minnesota

When to Re-Register
You must re-register each time you change address, change names or do not vote for four years in a row. Update your registration by completing a new registration application.

Registration Dates
You are encouraged to register before Election Day. To pre-register, election officials must receive your application at least three weeks before Election Day.

You can register at your polling place on Election Day if you miss the pre-registration date.

Ways to Register to Vote

You can also register to vote by checking a box on your driver’s license application or renewal form.

If you move to a new Minnesota residence, you can submit a United States Postal Service (USPS) change-of-address form. USPS will notify election officials of the change. If election officials can match the record in their system, they will update your address and mail a green confirmation postcard to you.


 How do I vote absentee?

Absentee voting means voting by mail or in person before Election Day, instead of at the polling place. Absentee ballots are ready 46 days before an election. Beginning with the Primary Election, any voter may vote absentee.

Voters in the military and those residing outside the United States use a different process to vote absentee.

Requesting an Absentee Ballot

  • You can request, receive and cast an absentee ballot in one visit to your county election office. If you need to register or update your registration, bring a proof of residence used for Election Day Registration.
  • You can also mail, fax or email an absentee ballot application to your local election office. Election officials will mail you a ballot a few days after they receive and process the application.

Request a ballot online here.

Returning an Absentee Ballot
Once you receive your ballot in the mail, follow the instructions carefully. Voters need to have a notary or a registered Minnesota voter sign their envelope as a witness. The notary can be from any state.

 Where do I vote?

All voting for City of New London residents is done at City Hall, 20 1st Ave. S.W.

If you are not in city limits, find your polling place here.

 How do I file to be put on the ballot as a city candiate?

The filing period is July 30, 2024 through August 13, 2024 during normal business hours and the filing fee is $2.00. You may withdraw your filing up until August 15, 2024.

 Who should I contact with further questions?

Call Kandiyohi County Auditor/Treasurer's Office at 320-231-6202 or New London City Hall at 320-354-2444 for election information.